Submission Requirements

Submission Guidelines


  1. Scholarly articles (A4 format, 5 line spacing, 14 point Times New Roman font style) are to be submitted to the Editorial Board by email to the following addresses:;;
  2. Postgraduate students must provide a digital copy of a review conducted by their research supervisor. Recommendations should be sent as separate pdf files in the same letter. Printed reviews should be sent to the following postal address: to Fomina N. A., Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin, 46 Svobody St., Ryazan, Russsia, 390000.
  3. The journal only accepts previously unpublished scholarly articles on fundamental and applied issues of psychological and pedagogical research characterized by novelty, theoretical and applied significance.
  4. All manuscripts should be formatted in such a way so as to meet the standard conventions of the journal ( Articles that are not formatted as required are not published and are not returned to their authors.
  5. All manuscripts should be thoroughly and accurately proofread and edited. Files containing a lot of mistakes and misprints as well as files that seem to contain viruses are rejected.
  6. All manuscripts submitted for publication are checked in anti-plagiarism software for authenticity and citation accuracy. Articles whose originality is less than 80% are rejected.
  7. All manuscripts go through the double-blind review process (reviewers do not know authors of manuscripts, authors do not know reviewers). Peer reviews can only be performed by members of the Editorial Board or recommended reviewers.
  8. With sufficient originality and a positive assessment by the reviewer, the articles are sent for editing in the order of receipt and are included in the next issue of the journal.
  9. The editors carry out scientific and literary editing of the received materials.The text of the edited article is sent to the author for approval.
  10. When working with materials, the editors adhere to the principles of publication ethics of scientific publications accepted by the international community, developed taking into account the recommendations of the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (COPE), the recommendations of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) and APA (American Psychological Association) standards.
  11. By submitting an article for publication in the journal “Psychological and Pedagogical Search”, the author hereby consents to its placement on the website of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin and in the Russian Scientific Electronic Library on the terms of open free full-text access.
  12. No fee is charged for the publication of scientific articles in the journal.The Founder limits the number of printed copies, providing only mandatory distribution of control copies and distribution by subscription.
  13. The authors are sent free of charge an electronic layout of the journal, prepared for sending to the NEB (RSCI).Those wishing to purchase a printed copy can subscribe to the corresponding quarter in advance and purchase the magazine at the price indicated in the Unified Catalog “Press of Russia” (index – 55172).
  14. Royalties are not paid.
  15. Reprinting articles from the journal “Psychological and PedagogicalSearch” is allowed only with the consent of the editors.When citing, references to the journal are obligatory.


Style guidelines


  1. The article should include: UDC (Universal Decimal Classification), DOI (Digital Object Identifier), abstract, key words, main text, and list of sources.
  2. The first and second sheets contain UDC, DOI, title of the article, full name of the author/s (in full), place of work (or study), city, country, e-mail address, annotation and keywords in Russian and English.
  3. The title is given in lowercase letters; uppercase letters are only used when necessary. The title should be italicized and highlighted in bold. No abbreviations can be used.
  4. The abstract should not contain any abbreviations and should be no less than 150-300 words. The structure of an abstract: relevance of research, goal of research, methodology, research hypothesis, novelty, theoretical significance and practical value, results, conclusion, prospects for further research (without highlighting these structural components).

The language of the abstract should be simple and clear.

The English abstract must be a translation of the Russian abstract. See the URL for writing annotations:

  1. Keywords are given without using any abbreviations and abbreviations and are separated by a comma.

The number of key words should be no less than 10; a key phrase should not include more than 5 words.

  1. For the article content use 14 point Times New Roman font style and 1.5 line spacing. Margin requirements are the following: top margin – 20 mm, bottom margin – 20 mm, right margin – 20 mm, left margin – 30 mm. Paragraphs should be indented 1.25 cm
  2. Page numbers should be bottom centered.
  3. The recommended size of the article is 0.5–1.0 auth.(from 20,000 to 30,000 characters or 12–24 sheets, including title, annotation, key words, text, tables, figures, bibliography in Russian and English).
  4. The article should be logically divided into the following sections: introduction which substantiates the relevance of the issues discussed and summarizes them; purpose; research hypothesis; methodology; results; conclusion and prospects for further research. All the rubrics should be highlighted in bold italic.
  5. The article must contain in-text references to all sources used by the author.References are made in accordance with GOST R 7.0-100-2018 “Bibliographic record.Bibliographic description.General requirements and rules for drafting”, as well as the recommendations of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) and the APA (American Psychological Association) standard, which is commonly used when preparing manuscripts of scientific articles on psychological topics.

An inline link is enclosed in parentheses and contains information about the author, year of publication of the source being considered or mentioned in the text of the article, for example, for example: (Smith, 2019). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Smith, 2019, pp. 7–8). If the authors surname is used in the text, you can provide in brackets only the year of publication, for example: As is stated by Smith (2019), “…” (pp. 7–8).

  1. Borrowing ideas without citation is prohibited.
  2. No reference to Wikipedia is allowed.
  3. When referring to online sources, include an access date.
  4. Provide references to tables and figures: (Table 1) or (Figure 1).
  5. Number all tables and figures sequentially but separately. Tables and figures must all be labelled with captions.
  6. Captions are positioned above Captions and tables cannot contain abbreviations.
  7. Figures should also be captioned (no abbreviations are allowed). Captions are positioned below figures: For example: Figure 1. Caption (12 point Times New Roman font).
  8. All conventions should be explained below and labelled Note.
  9. Figures should be of good quality. The extension should be TIFE, JPEG или PNG (no less than 150 – 300 points).
  10. The list of references in Russian is placed immediately after the main text.
  11. The list is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0-100-2018 “Bibliographic record.Bibliographic description.General requirements and rules for drafting.
  12. The sources should be arranged in alphabetical order. When referring to the same author, enumerate the works in chronological order. When refereeing to the same researcher as an individual author and as a collaborative author, start with works authored individually. Multiple-author works with the same first author and different subsequent authors should be arranged alphabetically by the surname of the second author or, if the second author is the same, the surname of the third author, and so forth.
  13. Bibliographic descriptions start with surname followed by initials separated by a space. For example: Vygotsky L. S.
  14. The surname is followed by the title, place of publication, publishing house, publication date, pages (for example, for monographs: 256 p., and for articles: 23-35).
  15. Titles of books, articles, journals should not be abbreviated, unless there are abbreviations in the cited work.
  16. When referring to periodicals or continuous publication issues, specify a relative issue number and an absolute number (in brackets).
  17. References should include no less than 10 entries. No less than 30% of works should be recent, i.e. published within the last 5-10 years. References should also include works by foreign authors.
  18. The share of self-citations in one publication according to the existing norms of scientific ethics should not exceed 25% on average.Self-citation is justified if it is caused by the need to present, prove or substantiate one’s scientific ideas, if there are no other sources of information or if the work was carried out on the basis of or in continuation of the cited studies.Citations for your work must be formatted in accordance with the rules and not be redundant.
  19. When works have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), specify it at the end of bibliographic descriptions, URL needn’t be provided then. To check whether a work has DOI, go to or and enter the name of the work in English.
  20. The list of sources used in Latin (References) is given after the Russian version of the list and is compiled in an order that is completely identical to the Russian version. The translation of the Russian text into Latin is made using the automatic transliterator ?account=bsi (BSI format). In the transliteration of scientific articles, the translation of the title of the article into English is given in square brackets, and at the end of the description, in parentheses, the language in which the source included in the list is published (In Russian, In English, In Norwegian, In Chinese, etc.) must be indicated.
  21. After the list of sources in Latin, information about the author (authors) in Russian and English is given: last name, first name, patronymic (given in full and in bold); academic degree, title, position and place of work with the exact, official name of the department and university, for example: Department of Psychology of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin); information about the postgraduate student’s place of study or the author’s job seeker (department, university); government and other titles related to the profession (for example, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation), as well as a postal address with an index, a mobile phone, which are used to contact the editors with the authors and are not published in the journal.


Review Procedure

  1. All manuscripts submitted for publication must go through the double-blind review process (reviewers do not know authors of manuscripts, authors do not know reviewers).
  2. Manuscripts are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board, scholars and scientists who are experts in the filed of research and therefore have the required professional Co-authors and people working in the same department cannot review each-other’s works.
  3. Reviewers assess paper manuscripts against the following criteria: whether the article conforms to the research filed of the journal, whether the title and the content of the article comply, whether the abstract fully represents the content of the manuscript, whether the key words are well chosen, whether the research is relevant, whether it is characterized by novelty, theoretical and applied significance, whether the author manages to clearly formulate the main issue and the results of research, whether the article summarizes the current state of understanding of the issue, whether the empirical and statistical methods of research are effective and sufficient, whether the obtained results are fully and correctly summarized, whether the conclusions are well-grounded, whether the results are practically applicable, whether there are spelling, punctuation, grammar, and stylistic mistakes, whether tables, figures and diagrams are correctly labeled, whether the references and citations are appropriate.
  4. Within three weeks after receipt of the manuscript, a reviewer is to prepare a review in which they are to substantiate one of the following decisions: the article can be recommended for publication; the article can be recommended for publication after the drawbacks underlined by the reviewer have been removed; send the manuscript to another reviewer; inform the author that the article cannot be accepted by the journal for this or that reason.
  5. Reviewers are bound by strict confidentiality when working with original research.
  6. The Editorial Board recommends that reviewers should be bound by strict confidentiality when analyzing manuscripts and follow the editorial guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics), publication ethics (Publishing Ethics Resource Kit) of the Elsevier Publishing Company and, in particular, publication guidelines developed by the Committee on Scholarly Publication (
  7. Within a month after receipt of the manuscript, the Editorial Board notifies the author about review results and about its acceptability for publication.
  8. If the reviewer recommends introducing some corrections, the review should be sent to the author so that they can introduce the corrections when preparing a new variant of the article. The author can provide arguments to partially or completely reject the suggested The improved manuscript should be sent to the editor within the period of three weeks.
  9. Improved and corrected manuscripts are sent to a repeat review to the same or another reviewer or should be submitted to collegial review of the Editorial Board. If the author of the manuscript disagrees with the reviewers, they can provide an argumentative response to the editorial board requiring another review by another reviewer.
  10. If an author doesn’t want to introduce corrections, they should notify the editorial board that they no longer want to publish the article. If an author doesn’t return an improved article within three weeks after receipt of a review, the editorial board removes it from the register and sends the author a notification.
  11. Articles which receive negative reviews are returned to their authors with an explanation specifying the reasons for rejection, repeated submission is not accepted.
  12. The final decision about the publication of an article is taken by the Editorial Board. In controversial situations, the decision is taken by the Chief Editor.
  13. When the review procedure is over, the author of the article is informed that the article is accepted and is given the issue number and the time of publication.
  14. The review procedure cannot exceed 3 months from the date the manuscript was received.
  15. Original reviews are stored for 5 years. Copies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if required.

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